Afan Oromo Voice Typing Coming of Age

Overview Google’s effort to democratize technology across diverse languages is commendable. While it may not receive the same attention as major artificial intelligence (AI) breakthroughs, expanding voice typing to underrepresented languages is a crucial step toward inclusivity. In the developing world, voice typing is more than a convenience—it enhances accessibility Read more…

Digital Vice: Balancing Instant Gratification and Active Learning

In today’s fast-paced digital age, platforms built around short, humorous video clips—like TikTok—have surged in popularity. While these platforms provide easy entertainment, I believe they can also impede active learning. Many individuals find themselves binge-watching for hours, often at the expense of more meaningful pursuits, such as learning or productivity. Read more…

The Internet Has Made Us a Global Village: Software Developments and App Authentications Should Be Location-Agnostic!

Synopsis In today’s interconnected world, the Internet has effectively turned our planet into a “global village,” where boundaries blur and geographic locations hold less relevance than ever before. Yet, despite this immense technological progress, many apps and services continue to rely on outdated, location-based mechanisms for security and access. These Read more…