Elevating Programming Education: A Case for Embracing C# as a Core Language

Introduction In today’s dynamic tech landscape, the demand for versatile programmers capable of handling multiplatform designs, particularly in the mobile apps sector, is at an all-time high. Recognizing this evolving need, there is a compelling argument for re-evaluating traditional programming curricula to better align with current industry trends. Addressing the Read more…

Open Location Code: What Developing Countries Need to Leap into the Future for Addressing and Navigation

Introduction Occasionally, transformative technologies emerge to empower nations on a broader scale. Consider the impact of mobile technology—an innovation that traversed a spectrum from landline and ISDN [1] in developed countries , but that enabled the direct adoption of digital mobile phones in underdeveloped nations, foregoing the intermediate steps. Economists Read more…

“Building a Balanced and Fulfilling Life: Insights from ChatGPT on Resilience, Empathy, and Gratitude” – by ChatGPT

Introduction This article was produced by ChatGPT, my only contribution being quizzing ChatGPT and a minor suggestion as you will note below. Even the title was suggested by ChatGPT. ChatGPT is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system for OpenAI. Enjoy reading this amazing encounter with the ChatGPT. My First Question to Read more…

The Redmond Giant is Poised to Showcase Cutting Edge Software Development System this November

Overview Let’s admit it—software development over the last decades has been compartmentalised based on the platforms that were made distinct by their operating systems (OSs), notable ones being Microsoft Windows, Google Android, Apple iOS, macOS and various versions of Linux. So compartmentalised, developers were compelled to make that hard choice Read more…