Our Services

OROMIA TECH PLC is an IT Consulting, Training and Design company based in Adama, Oromia, Ethiopia.

Our IT Consulting covers comprehensive and customized solution packages with particular emphasis on future-proof solutions based on emerging innovative technologies such as Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC).

Likewise, our Training of workforce and new graduates is aimed at making course attendees to have a comprehensive understanding of emerging technologies and how to build innovative solutions in their digital transformation projects.

Our Designs mainly focus on MCC and cross-platform mobile and desktop client Apps which encompass a wide range of business and enterprise solutions.

Design Areas:

  • FinTech (Financial Technology) areas: that use emerging technologies such as Cloud Computing and associated digital platforms to improve activities in finance.

  • Legacy to Innovative Tech Migration: Most businesses are undergoing this change to take advantage of new way of doing business in their IT managed services.
  • New Business Ventures: Design of digital platforms and cross-platform Apps to support new businesses ranging from booking platforms, logistics management platforms, to various types of service provisioning platforms.
  • App Designs: If prior technical consulting and proposed solutions suggest a solution based on App design, we can advise what it takes to convert your solution in to an App design and implementation. Our App designs encompass both Windows and Android platforms. We are planning for Linux based solutions after .NET MAUI is released by Microsoft in November 2021. App designs are well suited to different domains including:
    • FinTech applications of various forms
    • Logistics management
    • e-Learing systems
    • Various custom applications such as Smart Data Collector, Smart Job Monitoring, etc, all utilising the built in features of the smartphone such as GeoLocation.

To inquire for more information on the above or more, email us on contact@oromia.tech.

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